Select Tool in ArcMap

ArcMap is a GIS software that is used to view, analyze, and manipulate geographic data. The select tool is one of the most commonly used tools in ArcMap. It is used to select features from a layer or a group of layers based on different criteria. This tutorial will provide an overview of the select tool in ArcMap and explain how it can be used to select features from a layer.

  1. Select Tool Overview

The select tool in ArcMap is used to select features from a layer or a group of layers based on different criteria. It can be accessed from the main toolbar or by right-clicking on a layer and selecting “Select Features”. There are different selection methods available, including selecting features by clicking on them, selecting features based on their attributes, selecting features using a spatial query, and selecting features using a selection tool.

  1. Selecting Features by Clicking

The most basic way to select features in ArcMap is by clicking on them. To select a feature, simply click on it with the select tool. To select multiple features, hold down the shift key while clicking on each feature. To deselect a feature, hold down the control key and click on the feature.

  1. Selecting Features by Attribute

Another way to select features in ArcMap is by using the select by attribute tool. This tool allows you to select features based on their attribute values. To use this tool, right-click on the layer you want to select features from and select “Select by Attributes”. This will open the select by attributes dialog box. In this dialog box, you can choose the field you want to select features based on and define the criteria for the selection. Once you have defined the criteria, click on the “Apply” button to select the features that meet the criteria.

  1. Selecting Features Using a Spatial Query

The select tool in ArcMap also allows you to select features using a spatial query. A spatial query is a query that is based on the location of the features. To use this tool, right-click on the layer you want to select features from and select “Select by Location”. This will open the select by location dialog box. In this dialog box, you can choose the layer or layers you want to select features from, and define the spatial relationship between the features. Once you have defined the spatial relationship, click on the “Apply” button to select the features that meet the criteria.

  1. Selecting Features Using a Selection Tool

The select tool in ArcMap also provides several selection tools that allow you to select features based on their geometry. These tools include the rectangle tool, the circle tool, and the polygon tool. To use one of these tools, select the tool from the selection toolbar and draw the shape you want to select features within. Once you have drawn the shape, all the features within the shape will be selected.

  1. Advanced Selection Techniques

In addition to the basic selection techniques described above, ArcMap provides several advanced selection techniques that can be used to refine your selections. These techniques include:

  • Select by attributes using multiple criteria: This technique allows you to select features based on multiple attribute criteria. To use this technique, open the select by attributes dialog box and define multiple criteria for the selection.
  • Select by location using multiple layers: This technique allows you to select features based on their location in multiple layers. To use this technique, open the select by location dialog box and choose the layers you want to select features from.
  • Select by graphics: This technique allows you to select features based on a graphic you have drawn on the map. To use this technique, select the graphic you want to use for the selection and choose “Select by Graphics” from the selection menu.


The select tool in ArcMap is a powerful tool that can be used to select features from a layer based on different criteria. There are several selection methods available, including selecting features by clicking on them, selecting features based on their attributes, selecting features using a spatial query, and selecting features using a selection tool. In addition to these basic selection techniques, ArcMap also provides several advanced selection techniques that can be used to refine your selections.

When selecting features in ArcMap, it is important to keep in mind the purpose of your selection and the criteria that you want to use. It is also important to ensure that the selected features are appropriate for your analysis or task.

Finally, it is worth noting that the select tool is just one of the many tools available in ArcMap. To fully utilize ArcMap’s capabilities, it is recommended to explore the other tools available and learn how they can be used together with the select tool to achieve your analysis goals.


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