ArcGIS Desktop & Enterprise: Compatibility Update


ArcGIS Desktop is getting old and won’t be supported after March 1, 2026. That means there won’t be any more updates or new versions for it. They’re suggesting that you switch over to ArcGIS Pro instead. If you want to know how to do that, you can check out the guide called “Migrate from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro” for more details.

When ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0 came out, it was a big deal. But with this new version, there are some important changes. It’s not as easy for ArcGIS Enterprise to work together with ArcGIS Desktop anymore. This affects programs like ArcMap, ArcReader, and ArcGIS Engine, along with ArcObjects SDK.

Installing ArcGIS Server and Desktop on the same computer depends on which versions you have:

  • Don’t mix ArcGIS Server 10.9 or 11.0 with any version of Desktop, Reader, or Engine – they won’t play nice together on the same machine.
  • But, you can install ArcGIS Server 10.9.1 with Desktop 10.8.2 (including Reader and Engine). These two versions will be good buddies on the same computer.
Heads Up!
If you want to use ArcGIS Desktop with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1, there's an extra setting you need to turn on in ArcGIS Server. It's like a special switch called "ArcMap Runtime Support" that needs to be flipped for them to work together

Great news! If you have ArcGIS Server versions 10.8.1 or 10.8, you can install them on the same computer alongside ArcGIS Desktop versions 10.8.1 and 10.8. This goes for ArcReader and ArcGIS Engine clients too. All these programs will be happy roommates on your machine.

ArcGIS Enterprise workflows and ArcMap

Starting with version 11.0, the way you create maps in ArcGIS Enterprise has changed. There’s a new program called ArcGIS Pro that you’ll need to use instead of the older ArcMap program. This means some of the things you used to do in ArcMap won’t work anymore in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0.

This change might affect how you do things, because it means that certain ways of doing tasks are not supported anymore:

This update affects how you work with maps in ArcGIS Enterprise. Here’s what you need to know:

  • ArcMap and Existing Maps: Those map services you created with ArcMap before? You can’t use ArcMap to launch them anymore.
  • ArcMap and New Maps: ArcMap is no longer the place to edit or publish new maps to ArcGIS Enterprise. You’ll need to use a different tool.
  • Adding a Server: The way you add a server to your project might look different depending on your setup. Here are the three options:
    • Regular Server: This is a server you connect to directly using a special code (port 6443).
    • Web Adaptor Server: This server uses a special program called ArcGIS Web Adaptor for easier access.
    • Combined Server: This server is connected to other ArcGIS systems for more complex setups.
  • Publishing Specific Map Files: There’s a special type of map file (.sd) made with ArcMap. You can’t publish these to the server using ArcGIS Server Manager anymore.
  • Custom Programs: Some of the custom programs you might have built to work with maps won’t work with the new system.

Good news! You can still use ArcMap to view maps created with ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0.