Time in Maps: 10 Types of Temporal Maps

Some maps are timeless, capturing a moment in history that remains unchanged. Others, however, are dynamic, reflecting the passage of time. These temporal maps can be challenging to display effectively. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 10 innovative ways to showcase time in maps.

Static Timestamps

Static timestamp maps are straightforward. Each map includes a specific date or period. When you place them side-by-side, you can easily compare the differences over time.

For example, election maps can vividly illustrate which party came to power and highlight newly formed states. This type of temporal map is incredibly useful for showcasing changes over time.

Time Sliders

Animated Maps

Flow Maps

Flow maps illustrate how things move over time using arrows or lines of varying thickness. Each arrow or line shows the direction and volume of movement over time. You’ll often see flow maps for migration patterns, trade routes, or traffic flow, showing where things start and end, and adding the dimension of when.

Space-Time Cube Maps

Space-time cubes display data across both space and time within a 3D framework. Although used sparingly in GIS, they are ideal for showing patterns in geographical space. In this model, the horizontal axes represent latitude and longitude, while the vertical axis corresponds to time. Each cube is a slice of time with a value associated with it.

Swipe and Spyglass Maps

Imagine having two maps layered on top of each other. With a “swipe” feature, you can slide back and forth to reveal different eras of time. This is particularly useful for comparing before and after scenarios, such as the impact of natural disasters. Alternatively, magnifying glass maps allow you to hover a virtual spyglass over a map. As you move the spyglass, you can compare different time periods within the same area.

Event Markers

Time Spirals

Temporal Charts

Isochrone Maps